February, 2023 “The heart opens. The heart closes. This is the systole and diastole of human life. We may...
January, 2023 In January, I usually write some version of my (gentle) rant against the “New Year, New You” marketing that...
November 2022 It’s a roller coaster, isn’t it – being alive during this time? It’s true that things are always changing, uncertain, unpredictable. But it does feel like we are in a time where SO MANY things are precarious all at once. It is a time that is...
October 2022 Recently I read 2 novels that were written since the start of the pandemic. I recommend both –...
September, 2022 Dear friends, I was talking on the phone with a friend the other day, and after a couple of...
July 2022 “WE WERE MADE FOR THESE TIMES… Ours is not the task of fixing the entire world all at once, but of stretching out to mend the part of the world that is within our reach. Any small, calm thing that one soul can do to help another soul,...
June 2022 It’s been a particularly difficult time – being in this country, in this world, in this human experience. I...
April 20, 2022 Recently, I was talking with Chris Martin, a Source Yoga student who regularly attends our Gentle Yoga...
February 1, 2022 Happy New Year! February 1st marks the start of the Lunar New Year, celebrated by more than a billion people around the world, and ushering in the Year of the Tiger. We might just need some tiger energy to move the world into a new time. ...
January 2022 “Sometimes the most important thing in a whole day is the rest we take between two deep breaths.” –...
My brother-in-law was diagnosed with cancer in the spring. He and my sister spent the better part of the last 9 months at doctors’ appointments, preparing for or...
I realized today that my morning meditations have been a bit more grounded than they were in the summer months and my mind has felt more settled than it has in quite some time. This might have to do with the return of my kids to school, after a year and a half...