Last Week for Summer Special | Source Yoga

Last Week for Summer Special

(and keep reading for info about summer and fall retreats!)

In honor of entering our 20th year, we are offering 20% off of 3 months of NEW Autorenewing memberships.

This includes All Access (includes both in studio and online classes) and Online Only (includes online classes only) Unlimited and Limited Monthly Memberships*.

Click on the links below to purchase:

ALL ACCESS Unlimited Monthly: Regularly $115/month, summer special: $92/month for 3 months, then continues to renew at regular price

ALL ACCESS Limited Monthly: (Max 8 visits per month): Regularly $95/month, summer special: $76/month for 3 months, then continues to renew at regular price

ONLINE ONLY Unlimited Monthly: Regularly $100/month, summer special: $80/month for 3 months, then continues to renew at regular price

ONLINE ONLY Limited Monthly: (Max 8 visits per month): Regularly $75/month, summer special: $60/month for 3 months, then continues to renew at regular price

*the fine print: offer available for NEW autopay memberships only. Must commit to 3 months, after which your membership autorenews monthly at regular pricing. Offer good through July 31st. 

Hope you are enjoying summer!
Erin Joosse | she/her
Source Yoga | studio director





  • SAVE THE DATE: Fall Retreat November 1st-3rd to The Whidbey Institute with Erin Joosse. Registration opening soon – read about this retreat here. To be added to the waitlist to be the first to hear when registration opens, email Erin.


Yoga For Everyday People

Source Yoga is a place to simply be, accept ourselves as we are in this moment, and connect with our innate wisdom.

Through the cultivation of present moment awareness through yoga and mindfulness practices, we discover and nurture our inner resources for self-care, ease, peace of mind, and compassion.

We welcome students of all ages and abilities. Join our warm, welcoming community in a supportive and non-intimidating environment.