May this be the season of seeking wholeness over perfection. – Morgan Harper Nichols Despite the slowing down within the...
“Mindfulness, cultivated even for a few minutes, draws the heart toward itself. It invites the intimacy we yearn for and...
“In an age of speed, I began to think, nothing could be more invigorating than going slow. In an age...
“I’ve had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened.” Mark Twain As I went...
Transitions may be the most important part of a yoga practice. At least if we are present to them. Consider...
When we first begin to meditate, we might notice that there is very little space inside our minds. It might...
I stood at the front of the room, my breath a bit shallow, a little nervous to look at the...
Today I got lost – almost literally in my backyard. Well, almost the backyard of the yoga studio, that is....
One of the conversations we have been having in our current Yoga Teacher Training is about the value or detriment...
The longer I teach and practice yoga, the gentler my teaching and practice become. I tell my yoga friends, “pretty...
So…full disclosure – I got an email from Source Yoga the other day saying, “we haven’t seen you for a...
Photo courtesy of Liz Gill “When times are uncertain, difficult, fearful, full of change, they become the perfect place...