May this be the season
of seeking wholeness
over perfection.
– Morgan Harper Nichols
Despite the slowing down within the natural world during the fall and winter seasons, we often find ourselves doing the opposite. We may find we have unintentionally filled our schedule with plans, socializing, shopping, and obligations, without allowing for much downtime. This can leave us feeling frazzled and disconnected, anxious, rushed, and overwhelmed with expectation during a time that invites us to be settled grounded, and restful.
In this 4 week series, we will focus on refining mindfulness practices including sitting meditation, mindfulness in movement, walking, eating, listening, and seeing. We will focus on establishing daily practices to help support us in feeling grounded and at ease during this time. We will work with pacing ourselves through the rhythm of this season, inviting ourselves to seek wholeness over perfection.
Prerequisite/Recommendation: Previous participation in the Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Program or experience with other mindfulness practice and study for 6 months or longer. No prior yoga experience is necessary. Contact Erin with questions.
Dates: Saturdays, October 29th – November 19th
Time: 10:30am-12:30pm
Location: This series is online
Cost: Sliding Scale ($80/$120/$160)
May this be the season
of seeking wholeness
over perfection.
Trusting that no matter
the unknowns,
in grace
there is room to embrace
the whole landscape
and pace ourselves through
the wildness of uncertainty
each day.
-Morgan Harper Nichols