I received an email from a student recently asking for help looking for yoga classes for her parents who live...
I don’t really make New Year’s Resolutions. In fact, I shared with my classes last week, that in the spirit...
“Our spirit has an instinct for silence. Every soul innately yearns for stillness, for a space, a garden where we...
When I taught on New Year’s Day morning, I was happy to see my regular Monday morning crowd. I am...
The longer I teach and practice yoga, the gentler my teaching and practice become. I tell my yoga friends, “pretty...
So…full disclosure – I got an email from Source Yoga the other day saying, “we haven’t seen you for a...
“When we truly rest in awareness, our experience is spacious and intimate, without defenses. With it arises compassion; we feel...
Over the years, I have had students ask me if we would offer a Yoga Teacher Training at Source Yoga,...
In business and in life, I am often asking myself why I am here. What is the difference I am...