A LONG JOURNEY (and a summer special) This summer, Source Yoga launches our 20th year as a part of the Tacoma...
June 2024 PEACE OF WILD THINGS by Wendell Berry When despair for the world grows in me and I wake...
TIME FOR A STUDIO REFRESH! Take Note – we will be canceling or moving classes online Memorial Day Weekend for a studio refresh, including fresh paint and other updates! Memorial Day Weekend Schedule: Friday, May 24th: 9:30am Align + Flow (in studio) with Samitha 9:30am Level 1 (online) with Erin...
This time of year is always funny – It’s balmy and spring like one day, cold and blustery the next...
February 2024 Dear friends, I am so grateful that our inaugural publishing of the Source Yoga Journal was so well...
LAST CALL FOR LATE WINTER/EARLY SPRING RETREAT WITH ERIN JOOSSE February 29th-March 3rd, Harmony Hill Retreat Center Kalyāṇa-mitta is a Pali term and Buddhist concept of which means spiritual friendship, or admirable friendship. Within the Pali Canon (the first recorded teachings of the Buddha), one of the followers/disciples of the...
WHO IS YOGA FOR? Hint: If you can breathe, you can do yoga. “Anybody can breathe, therefore anyone can practice...
January 2024 Hello Source friends, I’m not a huge fan of New Year’s resolutions, but it is a natural time...
Hello Source friends, Have you picked up the newly printed Source Yoga Journal? This is a collaboration between me, Tamiko Nimura, who brought her skilled editing, Burcu Koleli, who brought her amazing design expertise, and a few other community members who generously shared their essays, art, poetry, and thoughtfulness in...
November 2023 When big things happen both in our life and in the world around us, we might struggle to...
It was damp and cool when I woke up, one of the first mornings that really felt like fall. I...
September 2023 I have been really enjoying the end of summer. Mine is a late August birthday, so I try to always make this time of year relaxing and slow. I spend time outside and in water, savoring the best of the Pacific Northwest in such a beautiful season. Recently,...