July 2024 This summer, Source Yoga launches our 20th year as a part of the Tacoma yoga community! If you have...
August, 2023 I’ll keep this short and sweet, and I promise not to talk about fall too much yet –...
Normally, I’d be all about the homework. I am one of those people who’s ridiculously happy to be a lifelong student. I have 2 grad school degrees, for goodness’ sake. I miss taking classes besides yoga. But I have to admit that the MBSR homework is a struggle.
January 2025 NEW YEAR Hope lives in the blankness of each new calendar square, the footsteps of a few appointments...
WHO IS YOGA FOR? Hint: If you can breathe, you can do yoga. “Anybody can breathe, therefore anyone can practice...
"These yoga classes are instant reminders that the only constant in life is change! I cherish each class and the students who allow me to spend time with them."