“When we truly rest in awareness, our experience is spacious and intimate, without defenses. With it arises compassion; we feel...
I am a true bibliophile. I could live in a bookstore or a library – just create a little cozy space for...
January, 2021 . I know it’s been a dramatic start to 2021, but I‘ve been napping. Let me back up. I usually don’t set a New Year’s Resolution, because I know it won’t last, and it has always reminded me of the striving nature of most of us, trying and trying to be...
November 2023 When big things happen both in our life and in the world around us, we might struggle to...
Most people I’ve talked to over the last week are holding some form of election anxiey. Whether you get in...
November 2024 CARING FOR OURSELVES AND FOR EACH OTHER Well, it’s been quite a week. How are you caring for yourself? Here is one self-care practice I did yesterday – I removed the social media apps off of my phone. I needed to termporarily tap out of the noise. I have...