January 2025 NEW YEAR Hope lives in the blankness of each new calendar square, the footsteps of a few appointments...
December, 2024 WATER, EARTH AND SKY: GROUNDING OURSELVES IN WINTER I could write the same December newsletter every year,...
FREEDOM OF EQUANIMITY: Finding Calm and Center Amidst Life’s Challenges Fall Retreat with Erin Joosse November 1st-3rd at The Whidbey Institute It recently occured to me that the upcoming Source fall retreat was the very weekend before an…ahem…important election. When I realized this, my first thought was that folks...
June 2024 PEACE OF WILD THINGS by Wendell Berry When despair for the world grows in me and I wake...
TIME FOR A STUDIO REFRESH! Take Note – we will be canceling or moving classes online Memorial Day Weekend for...
This time of year is always funny – It’s balmy and spring like one day, cold and blustery the next (or even within the same day)! But warmer days are coming – just around the corner. Spring is such a welcome time of year that begs for us to get...
November 2023 When big things happen both in our life and in the world around us, we might struggle to...
It was damp and cool when I woke up, one of the first mornings that really felt like fall. I...
August, 2023 I’ll keep this short and sweet, and I promise not to talk about fall too much yet – we still have several weeks of summer left! In fact, I invite you to savor summer with Lori’s upcoming Lavender Farm Day Retreat, and…file away in the back of your...
June, 2023 Creativity and Renewal: Summer Retreat with Erin Joosse Harmony Hill Retreat Center July 22nd-24th For more than...
So…full disclosure – I got an email from Source Yoga the other day saying, “we haven’t seen you for a...
Normally, I’d be all about the homework. I am one of those people who’s ridiculously happy to be a lifelong student. I have 2 grad school degrees, for goodness’ sake. I miss taking classes besides yoga. But I have to admit that the MBSR homework is a struggle.