December, 2024 WATER, EARTH AND SKY: GROUNDING OURSELVES IN WINTER I could write the same December newsletter every year,...
July 2023 “You do not have to do just one more thing before you will be worthy of the refuge...
April 2023 “This is one way of speaking about mindfulness, or being present: coming home to ourselves. When we bring our mind back to our body, we come home. We could consider this state as our true home. This home inside of us is a home no one can take...
I met with a friend recently, who, like many of us, has a lot going on in life. She has a toddler and...
A pretty perfect spot for meditation on my recent vacation… There was a box on my desk waiting for me...
A wise friend recently said to me “there’s a lot of waiting in life. It’s best to get comfortable with it.” It’s true. How many times throughout our day, our week, our year, our life, are we left waiting? Waiting in lines, waiting for a reply from someone, waiting for plans to work...
I don’t really make New Year’s Resolutions. In fact, I shared with my classes last week, that in the spirit...
Transitions may be the most important part of a yoga practice. At least if we are present to them. Consider...
When I taught on New Year’s Day morning, I was happy to see my regular Monday morning crowd. I am not a rah-rah kick butt yoga teacher, and if you come to my class regularly, you probably know this about me. I just couldn’t get fired up about inspiring my...
A couple of weeks ago, I returned from a 7-day silent meditation retreat. “7 days of silence?!” people ask, stunned...
Today is a day off for me. I worked all weekend, leading Yoga Teacher Training. One of my self-care practices...