The Things We’ve Learned | Source Yoga

March 2021

It was one whole year ago that we closed the doors to the studio for what we thought was going to be a few weeks. Monday, March 16th, 2020, we had a couple of last, small classes. We took just 2 days off and Thursday that same week, we offered our first zoom yoga class. Looking back, I am stunned by how quickly we transitioned. It wasn’t perfect; we had some bumps along the way, but you – our dedicated and supportive community – responded with patience and grace. And… You. Showed. Up. I feel I will never stop thanking you for supporting Source Yoga through this year, and I hope our presence has helped support you through the unexpected roller coaster of this time. 

There are a few things I have learned through this time we have spent together online, and I suspect you might have as well: 

One: Even through zoom, we can feel connected. We can feel the support of a community. We can find an unexpected intimacy where we thought there would be only someone talking to us through a screen. We can keep learning, keep growing on our mat, we can keep tuning into our bodies and our minds and we can keep finding steadiness through our practice. We can keep showing up for each other, even when we are not physically together.  

Two: Our practice never was solely tied to being in the space of the yoga studio. The open floor, the four walls, the ceiling we gazed up at while in Savasana, the props and the mat, the smells and the textures of being in that space – these things were always secondary. It’s nice, of course, to walk into the studio, see our friends, feel something soften in us as we walk into the familiar space, but this year, we have remembered that we can find that connection, that softening, the grounding, and the relaxation right where we are. We can create our space at home, even if it is not much bigger than our yoga mat, a few blankets and a lit candle. It never was about the space outside of ourselves, it was always about the space we created inside of ourselves through our practice.  

Three: You might have learned a lot about your self care. I know I have. We have over time perhaps grown our coping skills, and our healthy habits. We have learned to get outside, even just in our own neighborhood. We have remembered that taking time to breathe the fresh air, move our bodies, even in the rain, is everything. We have made time for our online yoga class, a distanced walk with a friend. We have written. Cooked. Talked to our loved ones on the phone or on zoom. We’ve tried to not drink too much or eat too many cookies to soothe ourselves. We’ve remembered to drink more water. We have learned what the essentials of self care really are.  


We continue to adapt. We continue to ask what’s next? We continue to figure out how we need to adjust our plans. Here at Source Yoga, we are starting to look at what opening for in person classes will look like, and when we feel is the responsible time to do that.  

This spring, we will continue to offer classes and workshops virtually. In April, we will welcome a new cohort of our Mindfulness Based Yoga Teacher Training, beginning with our weekends online and moving to in person as soon as it is deemed safe to gather. We look forward to gathering in person.  

I invite you to stay connected to the unexpected lessons of this year, taking intentional care to keep learning and growing. We are here to support you, even in the impatience of this time (when will life get back to normal?!).  

In the waiting, continue to join us for online yoga and for these upcoming offerings in March (scroll down to read more detailed info): 

  • Movement of Creativity online with Karen Peters: this Sunday, March 7th, 6:30pm PST. All bodies welcome! Remember, creativity is not about perfection but about stepping bravely into our messy humanity. Think you don’t have a creative bone in your body? You are especially welcome.  
  • Samadhi in the Laundry with Christine Hills: Virtual half day retreat for those that have been caretakers this year, March 20th, 10am PST. We will gather in community, as self-identifying caretakers of children of any age, and discover how being and doing can become softer, lighter, more permeable.  
  • Chair Yoga with Bonnie Loghry: Accessible and Adaptable Yoga for All Bodies. Tuesdays, 11am, online 6 week series begins March 23rd. 
  • Journeying with Grief with Kate Fontana: A Communal Space for Healing and Resilience, an online workshop, Saturday, March 27th, 10:30am PST.  

I hope to see your faces (or your name in the little black box on zoom) in the weeks ahead. Let’s keep learning and growing together.  

With care,  

Erin Joosse 

owner/studio director 

Yoga For Everyday People

Source Yoga is a place to simply be, accept ourselves as we are in this moment, and connect with our innate wisdom.

Through the cultivation of present moment awareness through yoga and mindfulness practices, we discover and nurture our inner resources for self-care, ease, peace of mind, and compassion.

We welcome students of all ages and abilities. Join our warm, welcoming community in a supportive and non-intimidating environment.