How are you finding support? | Source Yoga
Hi Source community,

I know there has been A LOT in the last week. How and where are you finding support? Are you finding moments to be grounded, to return to center, to find balance? I want to remind you of some things that have been helpful to me in caring for my physical and mental health these days:

  • I want to be informed, but it doesn’t feel helpful to know every last detail about the latest news cycle. It has been helpful to me to selectively listen/read/take in information, and then take a break.
  • Action –  ask yourself, is there one thing you can do in this moment? Action can sometimes interrupt anxiety and feelings of helplessness. Is there an organization fighting injustice you can donate to? A way to shift your spending (I’m working to divest from a certain big corporate online retailer)? A local organization you can connect with? What is just one thing you can take action on today?
  • How are you nourishing yourself? Are you taking time to rest, recharge, exercise, eat nourishing foods, drink water, let the sun shine on your face for at least a few minutes a day?
  • Are you turning to your social support networks? Have you talked to a real, live person today? Had coffee with a friend? Gone to yoga and connected with a supportive community? It is always important for our wellbeing to be connected to our communities, and maybe especially so right now.
  • Are you taking time for stillness? Are you nourishing yourself with quiet? Turn off the external noise (the TV or radio, the social media, the streaming platform, the podcast, the opinion pieces, the breaking news), and give your mind a rest. A nap, a meditation, a walk in nature (with your earbuds out), a restorative yoga pose, time with your journal, reading a book for fun.
  • What else? Send me a note and let me know if you have found something else that has felt particuarly helpful during this time.

I hope you find many moments for rest and grounding. Hope to see you in the studio soon.

Erin Joosse | she/her
Source Yoga | studio director

Pricing increase: 

Please note that we will have a slight pricing increase starting February 1st to keep up with the costs of doing business. Pre-purchase a pass at current rates, or lock in an autorenwing membership that will stay at the current rate. Purchase passes at current rates here.

Upcoming at the studio (scroll down for more info): 


Yoga For Everyday People

Source Yoga is a place to simply be, accept ourselves as we are in this moment, and connect with our innate wisdom.

Through the cultivation of present moment awareness through yoga and mindfulness practices, we discover and nurture our inner resources for self-care, ease, peace of mind, and compassion.

We welcome students of all ages and abilities. Join our warm, welcoming community in a supportive and non-intimidating environment.