Source Yoga Teacher Highlight – Tabitha Mattson | Source Yoga

Tabitha joined the Source Yoga teaching staff in 2014, and students have been enjoying her gentle nature since then. She brings an inner quiet to all she does. Her classes combine a focus of proper alignment and breath awareness to train the mind to be present; while not forgetting the joy and fun that goes along with a well-rounded yoga practice.  She encourages students to listen to and honor their bodies. Her hope is to help students experience the peace that can seem so elusive and empower them to bring what they learn on the mat into their daily lives.

Practicing yoga since:


Teaching yoga since:


Where/when do you teach?

Gentle Yoga at Source Yoga University Place on Tuesdays/Thursdays at 11am and Prenatal Yoga at Source Yoga North Tacoma on Sundays at 4pm (on hiatus for the summer – returning in September)


Reading, crocheting, trying to get the hang of knitting but not having much success…yet :’)

What non-yoga book are you reading/did you recently read?

The Daughter’s Walk.  It’s an interesting, inspiring book.  It’s fiction but based on the true story of a mother and daughter who, in 1896, walk from Spokane, WA to New York City.

What yoga book do you recommend?

The Yamas and Niyamas by Deborah Adele.  When I first started practicing yoga, I didn’t have any interest in the philosophy.  Then along came a teacher, Karissa Bryant, and this book.   The philosophy of yoga and how it applies to our daily life came alive for me!

What’s your favorite yoga practice/pose and why?

Lately my two favorites are low lunge and wide-knee child’s pose.  Low lunge is both grounding and uplifting at the same time; I feel this internal “Ahhhhh”.  Child’s pose is so grounding and simple.  All I need to focus on is my breath.  Both of these poses also feel so good in my hips!

What’s one secret that helps you stay healthy?  

Slowing down.  Whether that means taking time for some yoga and/or meditation or just not trying to do it all, knowing when to say “that’s enough”.  It’s not always easy for me.  I find myself getting in a mode where I am trying to just get one more thing done and off the ‘to do’ list, but I find I’m getting better at seeing it.  It benefits my overall health so much.

What’s something that currently inspires you?

I have been listening to (and loving) a Sharon Salzberg podcast called “Metta Hour”.  Also, my fellow teachers.  It was so inspiring to hear the revamped mission statement of Source Yoga and hear everyone’s input about it.  I left our staff meeting in May feeling so inspired and grateful!

What’s your favorite place to travel?

Ocean beaches, somewhere I can put my feet in the sand and see that big beautiful expanse.  I love the WA and OR coasts, but playing on the beach in Maui isn’t bad either!

Anything you want to share with our community?

Thank You!  It’s been a little over a year since I started teaching at Source and am so grateful and proud to be part of this community.

Can you share a favorite recipe? 

As my family can attest to, I keep my cooking simple.  My goals are easy and healthy, but a recipe that I started making several years ago and we still enjoy is for banana bread.

*3/4 cup whole-wheat flour

*1/2 all-purpose flour

*1/2 tsp. baking soda

*1/4 tsp. baking powder

*1/2 tsp. salt

*1/2 tsp. cinnamon (optional)

*1/2 cup firmly packed light or dark brown sugar

*1/4 cup canola or vegetable oil

*2 large egg whites

*1 ½ cups banana puree

*1/2 cup butternut squash puree

*1 tsp. pure vanilla extract

Preheat oven to 350 deg. Put sugar and oil in a large bowl and mix well.  Then mix in the egg whites, banana, butternut squash puree and vanilla.  In another bowl, mix all the dry ingredients, then combine with other ingredients.  Put mixture into your loaf pan and bake (55-60 min for large loaf).  Or you can put them in a muffin pan instead.   Once baked, put a little butter on top and enjoy!

Yoga For Everyday People

Source Yoga is a place to simply be, accept ourselves as we are in this moment, and connect with our innate wisdom.

Through the cultivation of present moment awareness through yoga and mindfulness practices, we discover and nurture our inner resources for self-care, ease, peace of mind, and compassion.

We welcome students of all ages and abilities. Join our warm, welcoming community in a supportive and non-intimidating environment.