Thank you to our friends at The Birthing Inn, Tacoma’s only free standing birth center, for asking Source Yoga to write an article for their blog about Prenatal Yoga. The Birthing Inn practices a family-centered, holistic, alternative approach to birth. Since opening their doors in 1999, The Birthing Inn has welcomed nearly 2,000 beautiful new babies into warm, cozy, and peaceful surroundings.
And thank you to Source Yoga Family Program teacher, Christine Hills for writing such a sweet article about getting ready for baby…
You’ve carefully written your birth plan. Check. Scheduled all necessary appointments. Check. Prepared a room (thank you, Pinterest!) for your baby to come home to. Check. Tried on at least 10 baby carriers with your childhood Cabbage Patch Doll as a willing stand-in. Check. Stocked up on diapers and onesies and bottles (oh my!).
Preparations for this precious life you are bringing into the world typically focus on our external surroundings; the space outside of ourselves. Items and circumstances that we need to purchase, plan, create, or do. In the midst of all of this planning and doing, pause for a moment, and ask yourself, “How am I preparing the space within?” Read more over at the Birthing Inn website...