Christine Hills
yoga instructor
Sri Krishnamacharya has said that there is an ocean which lies between atha and iti; the first and last syllables in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Within this ocean there is no haste; simply a natural unfolding unique to each individual. The traditional teachings of yoga—this ancient art and science that is just as relevant in our lives today as when it first began—is the inspiration for Christine’s personal practice and the reason she continues to share yoga with others.
Christine received her 200-hour certification from Pacific Yoga Teacher Training in 2003. She is continually grateful for the ability to share what she has gathered from her teachers (and teachers’ teachers….), passing along the lessons of yoga to students of all ages and stages on their own unique path.
Christine is the Education Coordinator for Source Yoga, supporting our teachers, scheduling and planning classes, workshops and educational opportunities at Source Yoga.