Studio Etiquette
Part of a yoga practice is being as mindful and respectful as we can towards our fellow yogis in class as well as our greater community, family, and friends outside of the studios doors. We encourage you to please practice respect and courteousness with each other both inside and outside the studios.
Entering the studio:
- Please visit the sign-in desk before each class and PRINT your name.
- Silence all cell phones.
- Remove shoes before walking on the studio floor.
- Please arrive at least five to ten minutes before class.
- If you are new to the studio or are unfamiliar with the teacher inform them of any injuries or conditions.
- When you’re waiting outside, please be quiet as there may be a class in progress.
- If you are late, wait outside the studio until after the opening meditation, and set up quietly, being respectful of the people around you.
- If you need to leave early, please inform the instructor before class, and again, please leave as quietly and mindfully as possible so as not to disturb the class in progress.
- At the UP studio please do not leave children in the lobby unattended.
- The studios are locked during classes, however, please store valuables in the cubbies inside each studio, and not in your car. Source Yoga is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
- Please observe basic hygiene when attending class.
- Refrain from perfumes and oils as many people are allergic.
- Place props neatly back in their spot after each class: roll the mats, fold blankets, roll up straps, and stack blocks.
- If you usually sweat, bring your own towel.
Age requirement:
- Age restrictions for classes are at the discretion of accompanying parents though we recommend that students be at least 11 years of age and joined in class by a parent until the age of 15. We recommend they attend the Basic Level classes.
Thank You!