I completed my first yoga teacher training in September, 2000, at Ghost Rach, New Mexico. This was an intensive training,...
"These yoga classes are instant reminders that the only constant in life is change! I cherish each class and the students who allow me to spend time with them."
Tabitha joined the Source Yoga teaching staff in 2014, and students have been enjoying her gentle nature since then. She brings an inner quiet to all she does.
Melissa Cotter joined the Source Yoga teaching staff this year. Melissa enjoys teaching dynamic, alignment based flow classes that both honor and challenge the body, mind and spirit.
Kelly’s yogic journey began in a class right here at Source Yoga. Inspired by the teachers and Source community, she went on to receive her 200-hour teaching certificate with Theresa Elliott & Kathryn Payne of Pacific Yoga in Seattle.
Rachelle Koren has been teaching at Source Yoga on and off for about a year. She brings a true passion for yoga and personal growth to her classes, and loves helping people slow down.
Rebecca Ray has been a part of the Source Yoga Community since 2006, first as a student, then as a...
I recently returned from a 5-day silent meditation retreat. Before I go any farther, let me assure you that it is not like going on vacation.